Thursday, February 4, 2010

Health Kick

I sit all day. In front of my laptop. At my dining room table. Working. I probably have more health issues than most people, so instead of adding more sickness to my life by sitting and staring, I think I'm going immunize myself with a good health kick -- and not just the "don't eat as much and pray the scale picks a lower number" kind of kick, but a real "get up and sweat" kind of health kick. 30 Day Shred was my best friend about three months into my marriage, but it lasted all of three weeks. I did see results pretty quickly though, so that's a sparkly-rainbow-sunshine thought. You know, I am a little disappointed that it's 2010 and we haven't figured out a (safe and legitimate) way to exercise without really working. You know, because couch potatoes are what make this world go 'round. Kidding, kidding. I've had a few offers from friends that thought I might be interested in a workout buddy. Truth be told, I'm a loner (read: embarrassed) when it comes to these types of things. There's a part in Level One where Jillian Michaels says something like, "You can do this because you're strrooong!" I blush and roll my eyes every time. I'm going to pop that DVD in....tomorrow. I promise.

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